Those on the 32/5 or 23/5 life path are here to work through issues related to independence, emotional honesty, and cooperation, finally experiencing freedom through discipline and depth of experience. Since our life path presents hurdles to overcome, both 32/5s and 23/5s confront internal challenges, tendencies, and conflicts in areas of dependence and independence, responsibility, and honest expression of emotion. Both 32/5s and 23/5s are here to experience true freedom. The phrase true freedom implies the idea of false freedoms — for example, self-indulgence, irresponsibility, or license — when 32/5s or 23/5s insist on doing whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it. Only those 32/5s and 23/5s who have not yet matured into a more positive expression of 5 strive for such “freedom.” The freedom sought by most 32/5s and 23/5s manifests as a drive to experience and know; this freedom entails a sense of mobility in different arenas of life — physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and financial. Those working 32/5 or 23/5 seek to explore opportunities and find adventure where they can, whether in life, in books, or at the movies.